
  • Bella Finds Her Niche

    In Pets on

    Bella has found a cozy retreat next to a special hand-made paper wall hanging from Del-Teet.

  • Maggie – a Great Listener!

    In Pets on

      She has found the perfect place to connect – it’s her Del-Teet lounge chair.

  • Sophie and Her Ko-Dansu

    In Pets on

    Some people use their antique Ko-dansu to store small personal items – but Sophie has a new idea! Sophie, a…

  • Meet Oscar!

    In Pets on

    When it’s time for a decor change, our client goes directly to her in-house interior designer, “Mr. Oscar Wilde”. We…

  • Meet Gracie!

    In Pets on

    Gracie loves to host with her Chianti Sofas!

  • Meet Colby!

    In Pets on

    Colby loves to hang out on his Momeni rug!

  • Meet Otis!

    In Latest News, Pets on

    Otis gives his absolute approval to his new Del-Teet Kuala style sofa!

  • Meet Teddy!

    In Pets on

    Teddy snuggles into his fabulous red, red, red, sofa from Del-Teet!

  • Meet Fiona!

    In Pets on

    Fiona loves to nap next to her favorite tansu chest from Del-Teet.

  • Meet Sam!

    In Latest News, Pets on

    Sam loves to lounge on all types of Del-Teet’s furniture!